Posted on Wednesday, 2 February 2011 Jesse Tyler Ferguson Settles in Silver Lake
In other real estate news about men in Hollywood named Jesse, openly homosexual ginger-haired actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson from the super nova sitcom Modern Family purchased a house in the Silver Lake area of Los Angeles last year.
Although we didn't know it until the Bizzy Boys at Celebrity Address Aerial recently clued us in to the March 2010 purchase, Your Mama is not the least bit surprised by the locale given that we've espied Miss Ferguson several times at Intelligencia, the Silver Lake/Sunset Junction coffee emporium that takes coffee extremely seriously and where an ordinary if very carefully concocted cup of coffee can easily run a person upwards of five dollars. We don't mean five bucks for a latte or a cappuccino or one of those ridiculous twice brewed and mildly cooled half-caf 1/3-chai cinnamon mochachino beverages engineered by those Kool-Aid drinking barristos at Starbucks. No, child, we mean an cup of plain ol' coffee. That's right folks, all those well-employed hipsters in Silver Lake stand in line�there's almost always a long line�and willingly pay five or six clams for a not particularly large but admittedly quite delicious cup of coffee.
But we digress. According to property records (and the Bizzy Boys), Emmy nominated Miss Ferguson dropped $759,000 for a Silver Lake residence that property records show measures a peque�o 1,203 square feet with just 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Although we're not positive, Your Mama's research indicated that Ginger Ferguson purchased the property in the early stages of a gut renovation. Regardless of whether the reno work was done by a house flipping developer or finished by Miss Ferguson's teams of smart architects, eco-friendly landscapers and nice, gay decorators the Spanish style casa is all fixed up and cute with drought tolerant plantings.